Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Movement

Many of you may have heard about Craft Beers or a Craft Beer Movement, but what does it all mean? Craft beer is when a brewer puts their heart and soul into a beer along with the best, local ingredients. The emphasis here is quality, not quantity. I first witnessed the community of the craft beer scene about three years ago at an event called Hops in Humboldt in Northern California. The momentum from this movement has only grown, and here are some defining trends that I have witnessed:

1. Quality over quantity- local ingredients that are of the best quality and nothing less
2. A love for perfect beer (there is no such thing, leading to the next point)
3. Always bettering a brew through education, collaboration, or experimentation
4. Creating a community- to customers and fellow brewers ( you would be surprised how many brewers do collaboration beers)

These are the hard and fast "laws" that I have witnessed thus far.

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